Straight from the Source's Mouth: Frank Talk about Sex and Dating

#63 Mastering the Art of Dating: The 3 C's with Frances Kelleher

Tamara Schoon Season 3 Episode 63

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Unlock the secrets of the heart with Frances Kelleher, Ireland's leading dating coach, who brings her expertise to our latest episode, infused with the wisdom of John Gray's "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus." Imagine navigating the dating world with the confidence and savvy needed to find the perfect match. That's exactly what we're offering as Frances unfolds her transformative three C's method—confidence, conversation, and connection. Through her guidance, you'll learn how to demystify the opposite sex's signals, master the art of engaging dialogue, and forge an emotional bond that's the foundation of any lasting relationship.

Prepare to rewrite your online dating profile with Frances's essential strategies for creating a profile that stands out in a sea of sameness. Discover how to brand yourself in a way that's both authentic and alluring, using the strategic use of images and a touch of mystery to draw in potential partners. Frances also shares her insights on the importance of quickly transitioning from digital dialogues to real-world encounters, stressing the significance of maintaining one's energy—whether feminine or masculine—in the intricate dance of dating. This episode is a goldmine for those ready to elevate their dating game and establish the standards that lead to a meaningful partnership.

As we wrap up, our conversation shifts from the thrills of dating to the sustaining efforts needed in long-term relationships. From understanding gender-specific stress responses to the art of effective communication, you'll discover strategies to keep the flame of love alive. We discuss the importance of personal growth and self-care, reinforcing that small daily actions can lead to happiness whether you're single or coupled up. With Frances Kelleher's wisdom and our commitment to guiding you towards love, this episode is an open invitation to embrace growth, connection, and the belief that your right partner is out there waiting for you.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Straight From the Sources Mouth podcast. Frank talk about sex and dating. Hello everyone, tamara here, welcome back to the show. Today's guest is Frances Kelleher. We'll be talking about Mars and Venus in dating. If you like this episode, be sure to tell your friends about it and rate it as well. Thanks for joining me, frances.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. It's my pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know we've had to reschedule this a few times, so it's good to finally get this in and also the topic like I just it's like my new mission is to have men and women understand that we're just very different and, like, once you understand a little bit more about that, life seems to work better. So, and you and you studied under the author of the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. Do you want to talk about how that came to be here, how what you learned from him?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100% great question. So I am Ireland's number one dating coach. I started a few years ago coaching people. I have my own method, called find the one with three, because there's really only three things that you need to find the right person. If you have these three things locked down, I promise you you'll be able to find the right person. So the three things are like the three C's confidence, conversation and connection. So connection is the holy grail, you know, for everybody out there. They want to make that emotional connection with the right person and obviously in this industry you know you, we know about John Gray, we've heard about John Gray and even before I started off as a life coach and even before I was life coaching, I knew about John Gray.

Speaker 2:

I had his book and he's an amazing mentor and I just think he is just such a, you know, beacon of hope in the world. I just said I have to train with these people. I think they are just one of the best in the world, not the best, and last year I reached out to them to train under them. I wasn't even sure they did it and I trained under John Gray, such a humble, giving, generous, lovely human being. I mean he comes on with those. You know approximately 600 of us coaches worldwide. I'm the only one in Ireland and he gives us two or three hours of his time on a call, like every couple of weeks. He's amazing. So that's how it started.

Speaker 2:

I have read his books. He makes things very simple, like my method is simple for people, his blueprint and method is simple and it's a way that people can understand and I really feel you know, once people know the gender intelligence between the two sexes. So it basically means the difference between our brains. Men process time differently, you know. They process emotions differently. We're very different. Once we know that, it's a game changer. It's life changing for our relationships, once we know the differences, because we can communicate better. So that's how I ended up studying under John.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's that's. I loved his book too and yeah, totally relevant, like as soon as you understand it, it's just you communicate, you're like, oh okay, you're just being a guy, you don't take stuff personally anymore, you just get that they're why they're doing what they're doing, exactly.

Speaker 2:

They're taking it personally. We, you know you don't do that anymore. So oh, I get you're different. That's why you're doing it. It's not me. So yeah, you hit the nail on the head there.

Speaker 1:

So what? What are the things? I know your three C's like how do you coach people to get them? Is there or is that part of your proprietary stuff? Maybe, but like, why are they so important? But how did you find that to be the case?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I just, you know, was observing people and it was these three things that they were lacking. You know the people that couldn't find the right person. And I was observed observing that. And it just hit me one day I said these are the three things. If you look at the people that are successful with the relationships, they're confident, they're confident in themselves, they know their worth, they're assertive. They have boundaries. They have boundaries Big thing, you know. They know what they stand for. And the confident people.

Speaker 2:

It leads on to the next thing they're able to make conversations. They're able to, you know, be interesting. They are interesting and they find other people interesting and they're conversation ninjas because they're not afraid of rejection, they're not afraid to go in there and chat somebody up, they're not afraid to make conversations and they're not afraid to put themselves out there. And then, of course, the conversation Leads on to the connection. The conversations with the opposite sex is what is going to build the attraction, what is going to make the connection, that emotional connection. Because that that's what you need for somebody to fall in love with you, if you're dealing with a man or if you're dealing with a woman, if there isn't Emotion connection, if they're not emotional about you, they're not gonna fall in love with you. So they're the three things you need and if you're missing one of them it doesn't happen. So it's, it's simple, it's it we can go into real debt. Then you know when I do in my courses, in my programs. But that's the basic bottom line there, the three things you need.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then yeah, I don't know if you want to go further into it or not, or just maybe talk about examples of dating and how Like out of like maybe start from dating and then like in a relationship, kind of like the stages of how those can help you in in what way yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, like the conference, a lot of people that come to me, their confidence has been affected in some way. They could have been bullied, they might have had a hard childhood and they're carrying that with them and they Feel that love isn't available to them or, you know, they feel they're not good enough. So once you unblock yourself there, you know it changes their life. It's I have two clients this week, I wonder, got very emotional. It was her last session and she said you know, I'm the happiest I've ever been. This is change my whole life because we do a 360. Degree approach to the coaching. You know I look at their whole life. It's not just the dating, everything is like a domino effect and everything is connected. She got a promotion in the three months she was working with me. She said my relationships with my family are better. I don't care what anybody thinks anymore. I'm my own person, I'm following my own flag. You know I'm the captain of my own ship. She said I've never been so happy. I'm assertive now I know my boundaries. So before, you know, I wasn't confident, I didn't know who I was and I couldn't stand up for myself for work, and you know, I just didn't have even solid Direction of where I want my life to go. And she's met her guy. She's met a guy on top of the whole, everything is falling into place. She's happy dating this guy now For six weeks and you know he's very serious about her. He's doing everything right. They seem very happy.

Speaker 2:

So the confidence is the number one building block. If you don't have that, it's going to stop you. So a lot of it is that we do in our, in our programs, is the mindset and the confidence. The confidence because my name is everything and you know that tomorrow yourself, you know If you're afraid to be visible as a business owner, even you know for ourselves, you're not going to get as much business. You know I say love is so like business. I love is a numbers game like business. But you know you're not going to put yourself out there if you're not confident.

Speaker 2:

And then that leads on to the conversation. This is the way you build attraction and it's different for men and women. Here we go with the gender intelligence. You know, again, talking to guy is different to talking to a woman and a lot of the things I see At the minute, the main out of all of them, the main thing for women is that they're pursuing the guys. They're asking the guys out online. They're pushing the guys you know to go on the date. They're literally doing the guys work. Like John Gray says, the man wants to earn it. The man wants to earn the woman. He wants to earn the benefits. It's human nature. As we know, we value more of. You know the things we have to work from putting the effort for. So the conversation you need to know how to build it with the guy. You need to know how to build with the woman.

Speaker 2:

And a big thing as well, tomorrow is no-transcript being able to create the conversation, the conversation online. People are over texting, over communicating. It is killing the spark. Do not do that. They're staying online too long conversing. They don't know what to talk about.

Speaker 2:

The main thing with conversations with a guy or a girl that this is the same for anybody who's listening that are both sexes. Get the person talking about what they like. Then they will feel good and they will project that feeling onto you. They will associate that feeling with you. So you know the guy will say God, I feel great around Tamara, I feel great talking to her online or in her company. You know I want to meet her. I want to see her again. Make people feel good.

Speaker 2:

Wasn't it all pro who said people won't remember much, but they'll remember how you made them feel? I always say look at Tom Cruise, make the other person the star. Tom Cruise is a star, but he doesn't go down to his fans that are waiting three hours in line in the rain and say did you see me? I'm not fantastic in that scene there and Mission Impossible, where I broke my leg. He doesn't say that. He says what's your name? Is this your sister? Will I take a selfie with you? He makes them the star. He global, listens, watch him. He tilts his head, he listens. Listening is huge in dating.

Speaker 2:

It's not just about you know conversations and just about talking. Talking it's about hearing what isn't being said and really seeing and hearing the person. That's what conversations are about. If you look at kids, we haven't changed since we've been children. The children say watch me, look at me on the slide. You know, watch me, mommy. You know it's the same thing. People just want to really be seen and really be heard and appreciated 100%. And that then carries you on to the connection. If you're doing all these things, that person is feeling the rapport, they're feeling good around you, they're feeling trust. The number one thing women look for in a guy, not the 10 million in the bank, not the Ferrari, not the six pack, it's trustworthiness. That's the number one thing they look for. So if you have done all that, you've built up the conversation and you have that connection, they're starting to bond with you. Honestly, it's a home run, like you say. After that. It's a home run if you get the fundamentals right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I was going to say too, especially for women, they want to be seen and heard, and then men want to be respected, like those are the keys. So if you're on a date and you're questioning everything the guy says or you think you're having witty banter, but you're basically showing disrespect, Like that's a key thing is what's happening.

Speaker 2:

We have the love needs. Women have different love needs to men and a big difference I feel, and I see in it's effect, is the men. They love to be appreciated, admired, like you said, respected. Women like reassurance, reassurance and to be cherished. So you know, there's a way to flirt and, like you say, the banter, there's a way to banter, there's a line and you don't want to go over it. But I would say, if you show appreciation, you know, if you're on the date with the guy and you're showing appreciation and you're interested in your listening, that's huge. That's huge for a guy. You know you're right 100%.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, definitely. So what are some of the issues people come to you with? And I mean, I know the other three C's, but are there like things they're not doing, that they could be doing better? Like what's usually the kind of stuff they come with.

Speaker 2:

So the main, thing I would say to my to start off with on the journey that that we help people with. The initial thing is the online, because everybody's online now. The research shows one in three are online. Sorry, one in three people meet online and form relationships, happy relationships. So it's a brilliant tool, but people are overwhelmed at the minute. They say to me I'm getting no dates, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I say, don't worry, there's a blueprint and if you follow the blueprint you will get the dates. You know I have a blueprint. That a simple thing that I'm going to tell you now. And if people follow to get the dates, they don't know how to use the apps. They've no strategy.

Speaker 2:

You need a strategy online, otherwise you're you know I say you drown in the online ocean. You need a strategy and people are doing all the wrong things. Said lovingly, they're over communicating. Like we spoke about the guys and girls, what mainly guys? The girls tend to take good pictures. The guys might have the wrong pictures up, they just have, you know them in their kitchen in it with a selfie. You know you have to brand yourself correctly online. We're brands. We've to market ourselves. I know it sounds harsh and it's a fickle business because we only have the pictures, but we have to brand ourselves correctly. There's so much competition online. So I would say people come and they say they're overwhelmed.

Speaker 2:

So the answer to that is online is only used for two things. First, throw your net as wide as you can, get as many numbers in. It's the same as business. Love is, so like business, it's a numbers game. It's a numbers game. That's a fact. The more people you meet, the more day to get, the quicker you're going to meet the right person. So two things to get your net thrown out wider, to get more fish in, as it were, and to get the real life date. But people over text, they stay talking to people for a couple of weeks or a month. The momentum is dead, everything is said. There's no need for a first date. So I say have a formula, and mystery plus anticipation plus curiosity equals passion and desire. Keep the middle and mystery, keep the anticipation high that they want the date. Keep them curious. That's what creates the passion and the desire. So, people over text, I say you shouldn't be talking to anybody longer than a week. There shouldn't be 20 texts sent in a day.

Speaker 2:

We have a special blueprint that we give people and when they follow us. I had a girl. She did my three week course. She met someone on week two. They're steadily dating. Now she's dating him five or six weeks. So it happens quickly once you know what to do.

Speaker 2:

And again, like I said to Mara, big thing I see the women doing, big no, no pursuing. Sit back in your feminine energy. Masculine energy is drive, ambition, breaking down barriers, breaking through obstacles. Feminine energy is nurturing, relaxing, sitting back, creating. So don't pursue him. You know if the guy is interested he will ask you out. We even have a script that we give people to encourage and nudge for the date. But you don't do the men's work for them. You do not do the asking out. The guy wants to earn the girl.

Speaker 2:

So once you get the real life date, you know you're offline quickly and the research is shown the longer you talk to somebody, the less likelihood you have of getting a date. So get off as quick as you can. Now the research says after 45 messages that can be very hard in reality. Really, you have to use your emotional intelligence, talk about maybe two or three topics of conversation, warm the person up, you've a bit of a rapport and then you can go on the date. And for guys I would say, once you have the rapport built, going straight away from the for the date, you have to meet somebody in real life to smell the firm owns. That's the chemical scent of a person. You either like it or you don't. It's a subconscious thing, and you have to meet them offline.

Speaker 2:

And the other thing I help people with big, big big thing is confidence. Oh my God, we are so big into confidence they're my two forties how to build confidence and how to meet people in real life. So we build people up, we reframe their story, we give them exercises that change their brain and neural pathways. Simple things, simple, consistent things that anybody can do. And you know it's life changing.

Speaker 2:

So there will be the things online confidence and how to have and be, how to have standards and boundaries and be assertive. Basically, how to be the high standard woman, how to be what a guy is looking for, to get the quality guys and how to be the desirable alpha male that the women are looking for. And we do image consulting as well, you know, for the pictures, and we tell people how to take the pictures and have a brilliant online profile, but they will be the main things how to be a brilliant conversationess, how to build attraction through a conversation. We teach all the gender intelligence stuff obviously as well, but they would be the main issues how to get the dates online. Have a good profile, that that you get dates from. A meet your partner you know perfect partner for the confidence building. And how to be the best version of yourself, have the happiest life. Be a love magnet. Be a people magnet, conversational ninja and and build the attraction, yeah, awesome.

Speaker 1:

I think this is a good time to share how they can reach you if they do want to work with you, and then we can maybe at the end talk more about it like within a relationship. But yeah, definitely, how can people meet you?

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much tomorrow. So I am on all social media platforms, and I mean Instagram. We're, we're, we're big, deep into Instagram, but we're on all the social media platforms and we have free resources to help people on our website. You can go to the website, get free help. It's wwwfranciskellerhercoachcom. Francis with an e and Kelleher K e l l e h e, r, kelleher with an e as well. So we'd love to serve people you know. Come to the website, reach out to us, there's no problem at all.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and you're only in Ireland, for the US is only five hours ahead, or four hours, depending on daylight savings time or not, at least for the East Coast. So yes, definitely doable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we work around the client. You know times as well, so don't worry, we're flexible. Thank you so much, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Very cool, yeah. And then so do you coach people within relationships to, or is it more helping them get the dates, like that's your primary focus?

Speaker 2:

No, we help people in the relationships to. If they're having conflict, we teach them all about. You know, coaching themselves we were coaching them as themselves do not mean getting caught in far themselves, I should say and coaching them within the relationship. The difference between the male's brains, how they deal with stress, how to come together and keep the relationship alive. So, like a huge thing I would say tomorrow, is, you know, people kind of think I'm in love, it's great. You know, we're married now, where I've met my person, I can sit back and relax and it's all done. The work is done, you know, and you know, in a way, the work is only starting.

Speaker 2:

You know, adding a mortgage into children and you know the modern, the modern life can be quite stressful. So we have, as women, twice as much stress as our grandmothers and mothers had. That's a lot. When you think about that. We're juggling a lot and I see, you know women look to their partners and vice versa. But I see more women cuz you know we like to talk and we need the community and they look to their partners for everything. Too much pressure, no one person can give you everything. We need to raise our oxytocin, many to raise their testosterone. That's what lures you know each, each of the person stress. So how you do that in a woman is you know you meet a friend, you go for a walk, you have a chat, you get creative, go to a meeting class or a party class, you go for a massage, you do something for yourself. So don't expect him to fill your house to some time. That's your responsibility. But sometimes we get mixed up. We think you know I'll go to him and I'll vent and I'll chat. And he said you know, very busy day, working two jobs, trying to provide. You know cuz guys show love three ways they protect the provide and they put a label on the relationship on you she's my girlfriend, tomorrow is my wife, tomorrow is my Fiancé. So they're the three ways they show love, differently from women. Again, this can be a misunderstanding. So A lot of the time the guys are very stressed out, their testosterone is low and they can't fill your tank cuz their tank isn't full. So that's what I would say there Go and look for that somewhere else the oxytocin, filling up your own stocks and tank.

Speaker 2:

How guys build up their testosterone is they take time out. See women Distress by venting and talking. So you know we might want to talk and talk when we come home and the guys like, oh my god, I need to decompress. You know, I've been talking all day and this is where the conflict happens. All we take a person, he's not interested talking to me. No, it's just he's handling the stress different.

Speaker 2:

Men handle stress differently. So he's gonna wanna go and play video game for an hour or take a nap. I'll go for a drive or watch TV, do something less challenging. That's how the guy was up his testosterone. So the mistake is the women go after the man. They go into the man cave like John Grace's. Follow him down and make him talk. No, give him a chance to recoup, let him build up his testosterone. Then he will come back and he will say you know, sorry, they are going to talk to I'm. You know I'm Distress, not what were you saying to me. And that's the best time to talk to him. That's when you know you can get the best out of him and you can come Out of the conflict together.

Speaker 2:

So many women, very different, and the way we deal with stress actually causes more friction when you don't realize that that's the way he's dealing with this dress. When do you stress fight or flight? When do you stress want to talk? So it's very important to know the differences.

Speaker 2:

Men also Come to mentalize in their brain. So, for all the world, I see no, they like a box is. You know my relationship with Tamara, my work, my hobbies, my football? Women have almost like a swimming pool in their brain with everything johnny's homework, my sick mother might do list, all my cleaning routine, my project at work, you know. So we can't forget about it when I go to just forget about it. You know, let's Just have dinner, watch an episode of netflix. You know something that we can't, but the guys don't understand that because we're built differently. So you know, tell your guy If you're in a relationship and you know this is a nice. And I just heard tomorrow's wonderful podcast. They were talking about people being different. I get it now. You know I'm not. This is what I need. I'm different cause I'm a woman. Let's educate Our cells and our partners so that they know why we're doing the things we do when they want to take a person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I totally agree. I mean, I've seen it first hand and I used to do it. Now that I know better, I, yeah, and cuz I another coach mention it, which same thing you're saying, but in different ways that men process internally and we are externally processing. So they go inside in their heads and they're quiet and we see everything around us as I, we notice the stuff on the floor, whatever, and he's there just in their head and you think they're doing nothing, but they're like planning their day, they're planning their week, they're planning their time. So it's just you know. And yet another difference where you don't have to take it personally if he's not talking to you, it doesn't mean anything about you exactly and I love that.

Speaker 2:

That's a brilliant, clear, black and white explanation, internally and externally. It's all true Because you know where, a lot of the time, we're always thinking and all that. And you know, I only thinks when he's a problem to solve. And you know, you hear women say what are you thinking? And a guy says you know nothing, like, oh my god, that's a lie. You know, how can that be true? You know we're thinking all the time. What's women? Well, you know, guys are quiet when they're processing stuff, when they're thinking about a problem they want to work out themselves, they like to focus down.

Speaker 2:

Men are our focused base, their brains. They have a highly specialized brain that is not made for multitasking. They can't think and feel the same time. So, you know, if you're talking to a guy, you're saying you know, did you fix the tv? And he's reading, you know something about fixing the car and he's like what? You know they can't multitask, they're single focus. Where's a woman is a multitask, her brain is made for multitasking. And I mean we think. I think it's approximately two thousand words a day. Woman says and a man only says five hundred. We have six or seven areas in our brain on both hemispheres, left and right, that are language based. Men only have one side, on the left side, and it's just one area. And our limbic system Is the seat of human emotion in our brain. That's twenty five percent larger in women, more emotional. It's just the way our brains are built. So once we know the differences, we can embrace them. You know, we can embrace the differences.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally agree. And other coach yeah, he says it's like his life mission it sounds like yours to just like getting men and women to understand that he would be. So save so many relationships, divorces, if you just didn't take it personally and understood that we're just so many.

Speaker 2:

and I would say as well, you know, men tend to make the change when they've lost the woman. See, men are built for emergency. They're built like the firemen. They're highly specialized brains that are built for emergency things, immediate and action-taking. So a lot of the time the woman is trying to be heard and the men isn't hearing her until she's lost. When you say about divorces, so that's something to be aware of as well, that difference.

Speaker 2:

There's an amazing man called John Gottman. He has a love lab in New York for 40 years. You've probably heard of him. He's yeah, he can tell with 98% accuracy, you know that, the people that are going to divorce. He has four signs. One is like the stonewalling in fights and conflict that if he sees them he says you know this isn't gonna work out well. So he can predict with 98% accuracy who's gonna divorce and who isn't.

Speaker 2:

And the number one complaint from women in relationships is I'm not heard. And the number one complaint from men this shows how different we are is I'm not getting enough sex. But I always joke saying if you hear your woman and you listen, you will get loads of action in the bedroom. So they're connected. You know they're connected. We just were different. So it's important to note that. But I would say as well a very important thing, tamara there's lots we can talk about in this, about keeping the relationship alive and not having a die, meeting the love needs of men, meeting your love needs of your woman. But there's always a bottom line and I love the bottom line because it's like a simple blueprint people can follow Keep dating your partner. When you sit back and you're like God's fine out, and so we don't have to go on a date night.

Speaker 2:

I always say have a regular date night. Even passion becks, you know David Beckham and his wife. They're married for 25 years. They have I remember Victoria's name we go out every Saturday night Just to reconnect, not talking about finances, not talking about children, just having fun. And Kevin Bacon also said that. He said, oh, I hear people, you have to work on your relationship. He said, well, and he's married years is it 35 years longer than passion becks? He says you know, you have to have fun with your partner. We have fun together, we sing, we joke. You have to have fun as well. And that's what you did in the early days when you were dating, but obviously with bills and kids, you know, and throwing a sick parent or something life gets in the way, I get it, but keep the priority, your relationship the priority. Have a date night Doesn't have to be a four course, you know, $300 meal. Just say when the kids are down, let's have a cup of tea or a glass of wine together and let's watch our film on Netflix. It's just about reconnecting, just you and him time.

Speaker 2:

So I would say the bottom line is keep dating your partner, keep appreciating them, keep reassurance is huge for women. The guy can say you look lovely today. Keep reassuring her. I had a guy. I told her when I met her six years ago she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. I said that was six years ago. Man, we need, you know, six days, six weeks. We need to be reassured, whereas that's not a love need for men, so they don't understand it. So men need encouragement and they need appreciation. So you know, say you know, thank you so much for doing that extra job on Saturday to bring in extra money. You know you're such a provider, thank you so much. Just keep dating a partner, keep acting like you did when you first dated them. Don't take them for granted and keep the emotional connection healthy. That's what keeps the relationship healthy. How high is the emotional connection?

Speaker 2:

I say to people check in with your partner, say I'll attend. How happy are you? Well, I'm a six, okay. Where are we losing the four points? Well, you know, I didn't get the promotion of work and I'm not happy with you working two jobs. I don't see you anymore, whatever communicate. Okay, let's try and work on this. Let me just work every second week in the second job or whatever it may be. Say to them what are you worried about at the minute? You know, are you stressed out about something? What are you? What's making you happy at the moment? Keep getting to know the person, because we grow and we change and if we don't check in with that person, you lose the connection.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, definitely All right. Well, I think this is a good time if you want to just kind of I know you kind of did sum up, but if you want to like do an overall kind of final thoughts wrap up of either. I don't know, you did it for each section, so I'm kind of like torn up to you if you want to provide any more final comments.

Speaker 2:

Brilliant, I would say. You know we are living in a stressful time. We are living in a more complicated time that people that have gone for us. But if you stick to blueprint, we can. You know people make and we make, you know, I make. Humans make life complicated, make things complicated. We can keep it simple, keep life simple and that will keep you happy. And I will say, I would say and I will say, and to your listeners you know jongry talks about this as well, he calls them the tanks. You know, keep your own tanks, will be aware, don't go around. I'm conscious, you know I call it unconscious thinking.

Speaker 2:

Sit down, take Fifteen minutes out your busy day, meditate, take that quiet. I'm just sit and think and say you know how is my life going? Am I happy? Am I happy? My relationship? Could I do more to make my life better? Watch what direction your life is going to. Again, we take a three hundred sixty degree approach. So I would say keep your own tanks full.

Speaker 2:

And the pillars for confidence and happiness and health are the basic things with people, you know, tomorrow they think they're too simple date hours, sleep and I the healthy eating, looking after self, getting enough sleep, eating healthy and exercising. They are the pillars for a healthy, abundant life and you know being the best version of yourself and when you are that everything follows through to your confidence. You're putting yourself out there, you have the energy to give, you know out love and when you do that, you get love back and you know. Just keep being aware of where you want to go, what goals you want to achieve and in love, don't give up. Do three things every day. If you're in a relationship, you know you want to keep it steady or you want to get it back on track, do three. This is a simple blueprint. Do three things every day to reach that goal. Higher coach Buy a book on relationships.

Speaker 2:

Men are from us, women being us. Read two pages night don't even read a chapter two pages night and just be committed to doing it and you know. Number three if you're single, you know go on the dating apps and put yourself out there. Do three things every day. That movie towards your goal. This will build your confidence, it will build momentum. It all compiles the actions and you look around and every day is great because you're living in the now. You're giving your best every moment and every moment Ends up every week and every month and every year and you turn around and you look and you say, oh my god, time has passed and I'm reaching my goals and I've met my person. And of course, you know if you need help, you can reach out to us. Like I say, go to our website. We have free resources. Don't give up. There's a few people for us in the world, for everybody. There's a billion people. You can do it. That person is looking for you to All right, awesome.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much. Yeah, I mean, I love this topic as well, so I hope the people I hope you listeners got some good insight out of this and Definitely reach out to Francis if you're interested in coaching or one of her programs. All right, well, thank you again for being on. I really appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

Thank, you so much tomorrow for having me. It was an absolute pleasure. Thanks a million.

Speaker 1:

All right, and if you love this episode, be sure to tell your friends about it and read it as well. And thank you everyone. Thank you everyone. Bye, frank talk. Frank talk sex and dating educate.

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